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At what age is abuse considered elder abuse?

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2024 | Personal Injury

To protect the elderly, it’s important to understand what counts as elder abuse and what age a person is considered an elder. Once you have this knowledge, you can prepare yourself to act if deemed necessary.

Age criteria and legal protections

An elder is someone 65 years or older, and the state of Georgia requires mandatory reporting to protect these individuals. While certain professionals have a legal obligation to report suspected abuse, any individual suspecting elder abuse is encouraged to report it. Local authorities and adult protective services handle this information. 

Types of elder abuse

The term elder abuse covers a variety of harmful acts. These can include: 

  • Physical abuse: A person inflicts pain through actions like hitting, kicking, or unnecessary restraint.
  • Emotional abuse: An individual causes distress by verbal assaults, threats, or harassment.
  • Financial exploitation: An elder’s funds, property, or assets are illegally or improperly used.
  • Neglect: Necessary care is not provided, leading to harm or distress.
  • Abandonment: Someone deserts an elder who depends on others for care. 

By being aware of the types of elder abuse that exist, a person can know what to specifically look for.

Signs of elder abuse

Common indicators of elder abuse include unexplained injuries or bruises, withdrawal from normal activities, and isolation from friends or family. Also, sudden changes in an elder’s financial situation and poor hygiene can be causes for concern.

Broader perspective on elder abuse

Every individual in the community can play a part in supporting a safe and respectful environment  for all. Staying informed and vigilant helps prevent elder abuse and ensures the well-being of our elderly population.